Summarize three insights you have gained from your coursework with regard to young children their families and or the early childhood field

Reflect on what you have learned; review the course objectives, your responses to the course discussions and assignments

Part 1: Course Reflection

·  Summarize three insights you have gained from your coursework with regard to young children, their families, and/or the early childhood field.

·  Describe the ways in which your professional aspirations, dreams, and goals have changed and/or have been strengthened by these insights.

·  Reflecting on the different “voices” of the five early childhood professionals who shared their wisdom with you in this course, describe how any or all stirred your professional curiosity, made you rethink assumptions you had about the early childhood field, and/or professionally encouraged or inspired you.

Part 2: Professional Goals

·  Identified three professional goals. In light of all that you have learned in this course, and considering your personal and professional growth since the course began, rest them as a personal goals and restate them.

Goal 1 (SERVICE)

Candidates in the Teacher Education programs will demonstrate willingness to use their skills to benefit and serve society. Within the contexts of their work, candidates promote authentic learning, social and emotional development, and a commitment to social justice in environments that foster respect for diversity and the dignity of all.

Teacher candidates will: Work with all students to create a dynamic learning environment that supports achievement and growth. Use multiple measures to assess and document student growth, evaluate instructional effectiveness, and modify instruction for diverse learners.


Candidates will demonstrate self-reflection as a habit of mind, continuously assessing and refining their professional practice as they construct a rich repertoire of research-based knowledge, skills, and attitudes for effective performance ensuring that all students and/or clients have optimal opportunities to learn and grow. 

Teacher candidates will: Set informed goals and strive for continuous professional growth


Candidates will become adept at applying their acquired knowledge in the process of evaluating their own professional performance and decision-making with respect to its impact on students and/or clients, organizations, and the wider community.

Teacher candidates will: Demonstrate professional responsibility and engage relevant stakeholders to maximize impact on student growth, development, and learning

APA style  1-3 pages

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