How has the changing political economy of the last 40 years affected inequality in the United States Writing Assignment Homework Help

  1. How has the changing political economy of the last 40 years (1970s to the present) affected inequality in the United States?  How does this time period compare to the previous 40 years (from the New Deal to the 1970s)?  Give examples from the ethnographies.

  1. What are crises of overproduction/under-consumption? How does the “Keynesian fix” address these crises? How has the “Keynesian fix” worked in practice? Give examples from the ethnographies. 
  1. What is structural violence? Why is structural violence so easy to ignore? Give examples from the ethnographies and films.
  1. What are the “military-industrial” and “prison-industrial” complexes? How does each address general crises of capitalist economy? Give examples from the ethnographies and films.
  1. Many explanations of inequality in American society rely either on “Social Darwinism” or on some version of the “Culture of Poverty” thesis. Describe these explanations and critique their shortcomings. What kinds of explanations do the authors of your textbooks offer in their place?

class: Anthropology of American Culture

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