Enviromental science

In this assignment, you will investigate the biotic and abiotic structure and function of an ecosystem.

Choose one of the following ecosystems:

  • Tropical rainforest
  • Grassland
  • Coral Reef
  • Estuary
  • Desert

You will write a two to three page APA-style research paper about your choice of ecosystem including:

  • Where might this type of ecosystem be located? Give one specific example.
  • Describe the structure of the ecosystem: List both the abiotic components and biotic components
  • Describe the function of the ecosystem: How do the abiotic and biotic components interact in biogeochemical cycles? Describe both the carbon and nitrogen cycles
  • Describe disturbance and recovery: Describe one natural and one human caused disturbance to the ecosystem. Explain the damage to the ecosystem, including how the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the ecosystem changed.
  • Explain how ecosystems recover naturally based on resilience mechanisms and the theory of secondary succession.



Your organization is about to review their energy use and develop an energy plan, including as many renewable power sources as possible. You have been asked to prepare a research paper for management about fossil fuel, nuclear energy, and alternative/green power sources.

You will prepare a research paper to discuss the following topics:

1. The law of conservation of energy with an explanation of how this law applies to energy use and energy conversions.

2. The pros and cons of the following:

  • fossil fuel: oil, natural gas, and coal
  • nuclear energy
  • Solar energy
  • Wind power
  • Water (hydro) power
  • Bioconversion (biofuel) 

3. Research and discuss two provisions of the Energy Policy Act, 2005, including the possibility of tax incentives.

This is an APA research paper. See APA paper template; make sure that references are listed and cited in APA style.

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