Discussion Question 2 Due Saturday, 26, 2012 8am Central Standard Time

Due Saturday, 26, 2012 8am Central Standard Time


Week 3: Discussion Question #2


· How does Differentiation allow for students needs to be met in the classroom? Provide several examples of Differentiation in a lesson plan.


The term, Differentiation, is an absolute, must-know concept. To differentiate a lesson plan is not simply changing things up (doing things differently than the original lesson plan). Differentiation is recognizing that special learners are in class who need accommodations in order to be successful with the same lesson given to everyone else. In consideration of this DQ, think, “How would I accommodate a language impaired child in this lesson?” “How do I accommodate a hearing impaired child in this read-aloud lesson?” “How do I support learning in this lesson for a student who is still learning to speak/read/write in English?” Everyone gets the same lesson, but some get special modifications/assistance based on needs so that the lesson/knowledge is made assessable.


Recommended reading for this DQ. Any of these will address this prompt. Choose one, and of course, you may, if you prefer, reference your ebooks.

Electronic Reserved Reading list

· Adjusting instruction to meet students’ needs. (2008, June/July). Reading Today, 25(6), 18-19.


· Acioglu, H. (2007, January). Examining the effectiveness of a program developed for teaching social skills to hearing impaired students based on cooperative learning.. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 7(1), 340-347.


· Anderson, K. M. (2007, Spring). Tips for teaching: Differentiating instruction to include all students. Preventing School Failure, 51(3), 49-54.


Edwards, C. J, Carr, S., & Siegel, W. (2006, Spring). Influences of experiences and training effective teaching practices to meet the needs of diverse learners in schools. Education, 126(3), 580-592.


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