Why is it important to presume competence in educational settings writing assignment help

. Why is it important to presume competence in educational settings? Discuss with regards to the social relational understanding of disability (in particular, barriers to doing and barriers to being).
2. Why it is important to maintain a focus on children’s strengths (as opposed to their deficits) when planning as assessing in educational settings?


1. Lectures (April 26) Inclusion in practice: a case study – Meike Mackenzie Putting planning into practice through a strengths based approach: Group times and everyday experiences – Meike Mackenzie

2. Biklen, D., & Burke, J. (2006). Presuming Competence. Equity & Excellence in Education, 39(2), 166-¬‐175. doi: 10.1080/10665680500540376

3. Mackenzie, M., Cologon, K., & Fenech, M. (in press). ‘Embracing everybody’: Approaching the inclusive early childhood education of a child labelled with Autism from a social relational understanding of disability.” Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. (provided on

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