Two separate discussion board history homework help
1) Each student must start at least two new discussion threads in which he/she summarizes something learned about American history between 1800 and 1848. Suggested topics include the Jeffersonian Era, the Age of Jackson/White Man’s Democracy, the forced removal of the Cherokees to Oklahoma, the growth of the market economy, the development of the culture of slavery in the South, the various implications of the Second Great Awakening, the acquisition of Texas and Oregon, and the War with Mexico. Your two new discussion threads each should make some kind of argument about a specific issue, and each argument should be based on specific historical evidence. Your first post in those disccusion threads you start should be at least 250 words, written in complete sentences.
2) Each student must start at least two new discussion threads in which he/she summarizes something learned about American history between 1848 and 1877. Suggested topics include the Sectional Crisis, Slavery, The Civil War, and Reconstruction. Your two new discussion threads each should make some kind of argument about a specific issue, and each argument should be based on specific historical evidence. Your first post in those discussion threads you start should be at least 250 words, written in complete sentences.
ISBN: 9780205907366
Authors: Divine, Breen, Frederickson, Williams, Gross, Brands
Title: The American Story, Volume 1
Publisher: Penguin Academics
Edition: 5
Copyright: 2013