Time Management Videos and Workbook writing homework help

For this assignment, you will take part in a time management workshop. You will mark your progress and learning in a specially provided time management workbook that you will submit to your Faculty. The entire workshop, including viewing the video and completing the workbook, will take you approximately 10 hours to complete, so plan accordingly. 

The objective of this workshop is to get a fresh perspective on time and perhaps see time in ways you never considered before.

  1. Set-up your account. Go to http://ncu.attackyourday.net/dashboard and enter your email and password to log in. (Note: I will message you my log in information)
  2. Download and print the Time Management Workbook. The Time Management Workbook is available in the Books and Resources for this Week as a MS Word document that you can fill in and save for later submission. (Note: I have uploaded the workbook for you below
  3. Watch the videos. There are seven videos you will find in the Time Management tab. Note that transcripts and audio clips are available as downloads under each video. The duration of each video ranges from about 5-11 minutes. You will complete some of the workbook while watching the videos, so have your workbook handy.

Now that you have completed the time management workshop, check to make sure that you have filled in the workbook completely and submit it for completion of this assignment.

Length: Entire Time Management workbook.

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