sociology 1948257 2

Its kind of like 2 parts but both parts follow in format times new roman, double spaced, size 12 font they just differ in length


This first part here should be 2-3 pages double spaced: Throughout this course we have focused on five foundational paradigms to study political media (i.e. Semiotics (Intertextuality), Habermas (RCD), Alexander (Binaries and Narratives), Field Theory (Journalistic Autonomy), and Agenda Setting (Public and Inter-Media)).  Choose two of the paradigms that you found most useful in helping understand political media.  Describe the core concepts of the paradigm.  Argue why you have chosen those two as the most useful.  Use actual political media examples to substantiate your argument.





And the second part is to choose 3 out of 4 questions to answer, each answer should be up to One page double spaced 


  1. According to Hindman, democracy online is a myth.  What are some of the core tenets of his argument?  What does he mean by the concepts of the “missing middle” and the “echo chamber”? Hindman further discusses a new elite online.  What does he mean by this?  How is it connected to the quote “new technology old failures”?  Finally, do you agree with Hindman’s arguments, why?  


  1. Liebset van Zoonen makes an argument about popular culture and politics.  What is her argument?  She utilizes a metaphor to describe her argument.  In this metaphor, who are Mary and John?  What evidence does van Zoonen utilize to demonstrate that Mary and John have always hated each other?  What is van Zoonen’s conclusion about this contentious relationship?  



  1. Aesthetic public sphere scholars highlight three crucial insights.  What are these insights?  The evidence found within the aesthetic public sphere demonstrates that the line between entertainment and serious political discussion cannot be easily separated, why?  How does discussion of the movie Zero Dark Thirty (within the review articles posted on blackboard) exemplify this argument?  Be sure to define embedded filmmaking.     


  1. Satire news can increase or decrease positive democratic deliberation.  What is Baym’s argument about The Colbert Report’s (better know a district) deliberative capacity?  How do the two theories of deliberation help us understand Baym’s argument?  (Be sure to define the two theories of deliberation).  Do you agree with Baym’s assessment of The Colbert Report, why?


Be sure to answer every part of the question; you should be able to answer these in around 1 page (double spaced, one inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font (points will be taken off for not following this format)).  For full credit, answer the question fully, use examples, cite sociological and media articles

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