- Topic My potential area of study is the sociological impacts leading underage children to commit crimes. My study will focus on crimes committed by underage children residing in Los Angeles, CA within the last five years.
- Problem Statement Average time in years spent with both biological parents, in single parental homes, and in non-parental homes during childhood are not predictors of juvenile criminal behavior, as measured by the average number of arrests and convictions.
- Purpose Statement – The purpose of this quantitative and qualitative study is to advance our understanding of the relationships between social influences such as family culture, school culture, peer culture and media culture with the increase of crimes committed by underage children
4. Research Questions –
a. R1: What type of social trends influences crime committed by minors?
b. R2: Is majority of crime committed by minors due to social trends?
c. R3: Is crime committed due to aggression?
d. R4: Does lack of parenting increase criminal activities by minors?
- Hypothesis: Understanding the different types of sociological influences and the impact it exposes on underage children and their behavior towards society
- Literature Review – Lists primary points for four sections in the Literature Review:
- a. Background of the problem/gap; in the early1900’s, the judicial system did not any real distinction amongst adults and minors under the law. There was no little or no awareness in trying to control juvenile delinquency, due law enforcement dealt with minors in the same custom as adults. Additionally, practically nothing was being done by police agencies to protect children.
b. Theoretical foundations (models and theories to be foundation for study);
i. Trait theory relies on the idea that delinquents show biological and physiological similarities to our primitive ancestors, (Siegel and Welsh, 2012)
ii. Community Structure and Crime: Testing Social-Disorganization Theory, (Robert J. Sampson and W. Byron Groves, 1989)
(c) Review of literature topics with key theme for each one;
i. Mocan, H.N., and Rees, D.I. 2005. Economic conditions, deterrence, and juvenile crime: Evidence from micro data. American Law and Economics Review 7:319–49.
ii. Jensen, E.L., and Metsger, L.K. 1994. A test of the deterrent effect of legislative waiver on violent juvenile crime. Crime and Delinquency 40:96–104.
iii. Nicholas, J.L., Thompson, R.S., and Rajab, W. 2004. Effectiveness of mass media campaigns for reducing drinking and driving and alcohol-involved crashes: A systemic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 27(1):57–65
iv. Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., Glackman, W., and Odgers, C. 2003. Serious and violent young offenders’ decisions to recidivate: An assessment of five sentencing models. Crime and Delinquency 49:179–200.
v. Bishop, D.M., Frazier, C.E., Lanza-Kaduce, L., and Winner, L. 1996. The transfer of juveniles to criminal court: Does it make a difference? Crime and Delinquency 42:171–91.
(d) Summary.
i. Understanding the foundation of the judicial system and its laws against minor delinquents.
ii. There is not one set answer to resolve this ongoing issue as to why our youth turn to criminal behavior, but as a result of the adequate number of of biological, sociological and psychological theories we can enhance our understanding and raise awareness to decrease crimes committed by our youths.
iii. With the help of our law enforcement personnel’s, families, neighborhoods, educational system and counselors we will be able acquire reasoning’s and knowledge to better understand our juveniles.
- Methodology and Design – The methodology is qualitative. The design will be concentrating on case studies on social trends and how it influences criminal behavior by youths.
- Sample and Location –
Population: Male and female youths who are serving time in the juvenile detention as a punishment for the crimes they have committed
Sample size: Ten Juvenile detention centers within Los Angeles County, the test will focus on 100 males and 100 females within the juvenile detention centers
Location: Los Angeles, CA
- Data Collection – Describes primary instruments and sources of data to answer research questions.
a. The researcher will review the background of the judicial system constructed for juveniles
b. Researcher will conduct data analysis obtained from data on state and county youth crime arrests from the California Department of Justice’s Criminal Justice Statistics Center (CJSC)
c. Conduct research on the analysis of DJJ commitment patterns
d. Research will interview state and federal correctional officers, probation officers, defense attorney, district attorneys, victims of crime, parents and teachers
e. The research will conduct a thorough investigation on criminal case reports for each of the minors they will be interviewing
f. The research will be looking into potential risk factors for youth behaviors
- Data Analysis – Describes the specific data analysis approaches to be used to address research questions.
a. The data will be modified and coordinated based on the type of crime committed and the level of offense
b. Accurate statistics and surveys will be used to summarize the gathered data
c. Case studies will be used to address questions used in the research