
Imagine you are opening your own Child Development Center. When planning your program, it is essential to consider how you will meet the health, safety, and nutrition needs of the children you serve.

With the above in mind, choose three of the topics listed below and answer the question in each topic section below -remember you have three topics! : This question is worth 2 points per topic for a total of 6 points!

  1. Safety
  2. Indoor environments
  3. Outdoor environments
  4. Fire/earthquake safety
  5. State regulation/child abuse laws
  6. Proper nutrition
  7. Health assessments/appraisals
  8. Promoting positive mental health
  9. Parent education/collaboration

Topic # 1 ________________(name of topic)

Give 2 concrete examples of how your program will demonstrate appropriate procedures and practices as it relates to this topic.

Topic #2 _______________(name of topic)

Give 2 concrete examples of how your program will demonstrate appropriate procedures and practices as it relates to this topic.

Topic #3 _______________(name of topic)

Give 2 concrete examples of how your program will demonstrate appropriate procedures and practices as it relates to this topic.

Grading Rubric: Total Points 5




Clear, thought-out response explaining Topic 1 and provided examples to support statements.




Clear, thought-out response explaining Topic 2 and provided examples to support statements




Clear, thought-out response explaining Topic 3 and provided examples to support statements




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