one major practical application area for factor analysis psychology assignment help
one major practical application area for factor analysis (usually applied as Principal Component Analysis) is image processing. A digitized picture can be viewed as a very large data set with some structure that identifies the pixels with a location. Each pixel is a variable that contains information about the intensity and color of a point. Factor analysis can be used to find patterns in an image. This is how face recognition works on an iPhone or, more seriously, how software can help radiologist identify tumors in an MRI output.
Another rapidly emerging application area is in the analysis of genetic and protein sequences. The first human DNA sequence cost something in excess of a billion dollars to produce. 20 years later, it is rapidly becoming a practical diagnostic method with the promise of true personalized medicine.
You are quite right that this is a technology that is the direct result of ever faster, more powerful and cheaper computing capability. And the possibilities are only limited by the imagination of researchers. So I will be very interested to see where you go with your ideas about VR in education.
Can you please respond to this question from the module 8 question you already answered. let me know if you need clarification