
Review section 5.4 (Will be attached) in your text, “Improved Teacher Training and Professionalism.” Your text shares a multitude of examples that demonstrate an increase of quality in teacher training. Describe at least three factors (e.g., normal schools broadened their curricula to the training of secondary school teachers, requirement of the completion of high school to be admitted to college for teacher training, teachers must have a bachelor’s degree, development and growth of teacher training courses, Herbartianism, teacher certification, and teacher organizations) that contribute to improved teacher training in the late-19th and early-20th centuries. Select one contribution and determine if it is still prevalent today. Explain how you could improve on this contribution by using technology in your own classroom or school situation. 

Guided Response:  When responding to your peers, suggest ways to continue to strengthen the contribution listed, so that this influence remains strong in our education system today. Describe why you believe this contribution should continue to be a part of our current education system.  Respond to at least two peers.

Recommended Resource: The Career and Contributions of Johann Herbert Link below:

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