History of the U S federal government history homework help

1. Regarding the Plains tribes, the U.S. federal government’s ultimate goal was to __________. (Points : 1)





Question 2.2. In 1890 which of the following was NOT a proffered reason for the United States to build a strong naval fleet? (Points : 1)





Question 3.3. After 1865 what was the most common economic pursuit among westerners? (Points : 1)





Question 4.4. Which of the following is true of the Latino Civil Rights movement? (Points : 1)





Question 5.5. Which of the following is Andrew Carnegie NOT known for? (Points : 1)





Question 6.6. In 1883 the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which meant that the federal government had no power to protect African Americans from discrimination practiced by __________. (Points : 1)





Question 7.7. Americans who opposed the annexation of new territories most likely supported __________. (Points : 1)





Question 8.8. In terms of legal rulings by the Supreme Court, which of the following statements is most true about the Justices rulings? (Points : 1)





Question 9.9. All of the following were populist coalitions that fought against a capitalist system that was unresponsive to their needs EXCEPT __________. (Points : 1)





Question 10.10. Which of the following is least true about the birth of NASA? (Points : 1)





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