Hakuna Matata

Watch Programs 4 and 5.

Here’s a link to the descriptions of the programs.

Here’s the description for Program 4 and 5.

4. Ceremony and Society
Many of the objects and images displayed in museums were never intended to be viewed as static artworks. Different meanings emerge when these works are considered in their original contexts. Masks, costumes, vessels, and other objects were created and used to conduct ceremonies and rituals around the world. Three Traditional Bearers of the tuwaduq Nation create a site for a soul recovery ceremony in the Seattle Art Museum.

5. Cosmology and Belief
In all cultures, people strive to understand their reason for being and their place in the universe. Although art cannot offer definitive answers to life’s biggest questions, it often serves as a means through which to explore them. Art can be an instrument not only for expressing spiritual beliefs, but also for visualizing myths, organizing the cosmos, inspiring faith, and communing with the divine. Russian artist Vitaly Komar is featured.

For the discussion board essay for this program – Describe what each program is about. Then, describe your reaction or opinion of what you saw in each the programs. Give at least 4 major topics from each program. Name 2 or 3 items  in each show that you thought were interesting.


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Week 3 – Sakai Hoitsu

Write a short 3 or 4 paragraph essay about the artworks for this discussion board.
What is the subject of the painting? Look at the design elements and see how they are used to create the final effect? Be sure to discuss how the design principles of Balance, Rhythm, Pattern, Movement, Contrast, Emphasis are used in these pieces. If you don’t see one of these elements, point this out too.
Then, look at how the artist uses the other design concepts such as LINE, SHAPE, LIGHT, SPACE, MASS, VOLUME, TEXTURE and COLOR.
How do all of these areas work together to produce its effect? Do you like this piece?
The Japanese tradition of painting developed separately from European. Using the Elements of Art, what differences do you notice about Japanese tradition as compared with European paintings?
Do you like how the artist presented the subject matter? Would this be presented differently if it had been painted by a European artist such as Raphael’s “Marriage of the Virgin”? How do they differ in style?

Paulownias and Chrysanthemums by Sakai Hoitsu from the Cleveland Art Museum

If that doesn’t work try

In case you don’t quite see it, the “tan” background color is really gold leaf. So try to imagine, this painting with gold in the background.
Don’t forget to scroll down to read the information about the painting that the museum provides. The museum provides a little additional information about the artist. Click on “Description” to read more about this painting.

More background information about Sakai Hoitsu



This is a short clip about a show of Sakai Hoitsu’s work.



In the wikipedia article above, you will find information about his family history and keep encountering the name “Sakai.” This may not make sense unless you are aware that the placement of parts in a Japanese name is reversed from the American naming convention. For instance, my name, “Barbara Solomon” would have a Japanese equivalent of “Solomon Barbara.”

About the “Rinpa School” (“school” means “ painting style” in this case)


Find a painting in a traditional Far East Asian style (a Korean, Chinese, Japanese painting, not a modern or westernized painting) Use Google or Artcyclopedia.com to do this. Post the image or link. Let us know why you chose it. Post to 3 other students.


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Week 3 – Edouard Manet

Write a short 3 or 4 paragraph essay (about 200- 250 words) about the artworks for this discussion board. Be sure to discuss how the art elements of Mass, Volume, Texture, Space and Color are used in these pieces. If you don’t see one of these elements, point this out too.

Look at other paintings by Edouard Manet. Post a link to the one that you find the most interesting. Look in the biographical information or use Google to look at other sources about Manet and find one interesting fact about him.

Manet was among one of a group of artists known as “The Impressionists”?  The Impressionists had very distinct ideas about color theory. Their work tended to use bright colors and they avoided some colors such as black. They also painted with larger brushstrokes. Is this noticeable in this painting? Where

this week’s artwork:
Edouard Manet. The Conservatory. 1878-1879. Oil on canvas. Gemaldegalerie, Berlin, Germany.
Here’s a video about this painting –

Biographical information about Manet:

A little about Impressionism –

Our 2nd painting is by Caravaggio, an extremely influential painter.  He’s known for his shading technique of strong lighting and strong shadows. It spotlights the important parts and hides the less important areas. Also, consider the texture and detail.


Compare the differences between Monet and Caravaggio.


When, I’ve seen this painting listed by two different names – “Road to Demascus” and “The Conversion of St. Paul”. Here’s a link to our painting –



For more background about the painting –

Similar videos from SmartHistory –



About Conversion of St. Paul – (from East Tennessee State University) (She catches many of the main items in this painting.)



Articles on Caravaggio and “Road to Damascus”





On Color

There’s quite a difference of colors used by these two painters.  This will give a little of the sense about why they are different. (I see a bit of difference with the Monet articles. I suspect that Monet changed his colors a bit over time.)







I know that many of you don’t paint, use these articles to get a feel for the colors. Don’t worry about some of the chemical names and other technical information.

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