finance paper needs to be done fast (7-8 hours)

Unit VII Article Review
Please see the articles from the link above, and select a monthly newsletter to review. Please click on PDF of Classroom
Edition. Please Note: Prior to the February 2012 issue, the newsletter was published under the title Liber8 Economic
Information Newsletter.
After writing your Article Review, combine your review with the ideas/concepts presented from the textbook. Make sure to
provide at least 3 pages  900+ words using APA style. You must also include a reference page at the end of your

1. Do not limit yourself only to the material from the textbook. You may want to include references from the Internet,
or additional library research, etc. However, you must (at least) include detail from our textbook.
2. Start early. You may work on the paper immediately.
3. Proofread your work. A spelling and grammar check does not always find improper word usage. For example; to,
too, and two would all be okay—but they have different meanings. Also, don’t forget to check spelling and
grammar…! PS – If possible, please check the document until it removes all red, green, or blue underline
squiggles. Those highlights make it difficult during the grading process.
4. This paper represents 12% of your course grade. Therefore, if you need writing assistance, seek out the services
of the Student Success Center. They have tutors who would be happy to review your work before you submit for a
final grade. Make sure to leave enough time for their review and your revisions (if necessary).
5. Apply real-world content to your review. You may want to highlight current events, etc., to show the relevance in
today’s economic environment.
6. Do not rush this assignment. The article review represents a significant portion of your grade, and allows you to
show off your scholarly talents. Research and writing skills are very important to employers, along with being a
helpful exercise for personal growth.


for more clear instructions please check the attached file

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