Don was nervous about going to the party discussion post help
In the forum below, by starting a new topic with your name, please write 2-5 lines to finish the story – then forget about this – and we will discuss it next week.
Don was nervous about going to the party, He knew there would be a lot of people there that he did not know. As he pulled up to Abbott street, he started to look for the address. He noticed a lot of cars parked outside a large white house. That must be the one, he thought. He parked his car, combed his hair in the rear-view mirror and proceeded towards the house. As he was climbing the stairway to the front entrance, he plucked a Marlboro out of his pocket and then lit up. He rang the doorbell, and then, just as he was blowing the first cloud of smoke out of his mouth, the front door opened and Judy was standing in the doorwary.
What happened next? Please start a new discussion topic to reply.