
As you reply to your classmate, attempt to extend the conversation by examining their claims or arguments in more depth or responding to the posts that they make to you. Keep the discussion on target and try to analyze things in as much detail as you can. For instance, you might consider comparing the ethical issues they raise related to the filter bubble with your own. 50 words or more.

After listening to Ted Talk about the filter bubble, you have no choice but to reflect on your own internet usage. I found myself thinking about all the times I’ve used the internet for nonsense vs. actual important information. One of my initial thoughts were “I have to look at life through a more intelligent telescope, because if I don’t the world will consider me useless. I’m not down playing myself, but I know that during idle time I search a lot of nonsense. However, after listening to Ted Talk, I do not want to be limited to the information that I receive when searching the web. Therefor I have to be more conscience about what I am searching, and the frequency of it.

  The filter bubble can be unfair in a sense. Just because a person doesn’t frequent the CNN website or the presidential debate, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be offered primary information on those subjects. Everyone deserves a fair share of primary information and resources. When thinking about my own research and papers I have to complete for school, the filter bubble scares me. Knowing the kind of sites I frequent, may put a cap on the information I am provided, when doing my research. However, now that I am aware of the filter bubble, I will not just settle for the first resources I am given when researching. I know that I have to make more of an effort to search thoroughly for primary resources!

  As far as trying to pop my internet filter, I have chosen to try the incognito mode in chrome. I chose this one because I use chrome as my main search engine all the time, so going incognito will help tremendously. I’ve also decided to edit my Facebook information, and change my privacy settings. This will help secure my information as well as disable anyone searching for information on me using my birthday. As well I will be sure to always delete my cookies and web history. Though I do these things now, I do not do them frequently. I do them more so, when I remember. However, I will now make it a priority to do these daily.

  Popping my filter bubble is very important to me. I don’t want to give the world easy access to me and my personal information, as well as be limited to the typ of information I can retrieve from the net. Practicing ways to pop my filter bubble will become a major priority for me. I use the internet to look for new jobs, do research projects, and research schools and programs for my daughter. All of these topics are very important to me and require primary resourceful information. Therefor I will do my best to pop the filters, so that the primary information can flow!

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