assignment 819



Read “Chitra Divakruni on Writing” page 400 and  “Plata o Plomo: Silver or Lead” page 402.

Also, read “The Squeeze”, page 409; “Charles Fishman on Writing” page 414; “The Rise and Fall of the Hit” page 416; and “Chris Anderson on Writing,” page 423.

Once you have read the assigned selections, choose one of the “Suggestions for Writing” on page 422-423, from numbers 2 and 3. 

Write an essay, two to three pages long, on either number 2 or 3 in “Suggestions for Writing.” 

You do not need MLA citation for this paper. 

Set up your papers as you have learned to do in this class: One inch margins all the way around, 1/2 inch indents, 12 point font, your name, my name, Essay 4, the due date, and thentitle your paper. An automatic five points will be deducted for failing to title your essay. Please be creative. “Essay 4” for your title shows a lack of imagination and caring. As always, use your best grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


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